Summer Reading List

Summer Reading Assignments

Summer reading assignments are an important part of the curriculum for students.

K-6th-grade students should be prepared to discuss and evaluate assigned books when they return in September.

7th-12th Summer reading assignments are worth a significant portion of students’ first marking period grades. Students must complete their assigned summer reading along with associated work. Questions are in PDF format at the bottom of this page. All work is due upon return to school. Depending on the teacher’s policy, late work may not be accepted or with a significant penalty (loss of substantial credit). Copies of some of the books are available in the main office. If you still need books, call to see if we have them available.


7th Grade: Mrs. Couture

A Long Walk to Water

The Outsiders


8th Grade: Mrs. Miller-Hoke

Lord of the Flies

The Boy Who Dared


9th Grade: Mrs. Couture

To Kill a Mockingbird

House Arrest


10th Grade: Mrs. VanWaes

Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde

Death Coming Up the Hill


11th Grade: Mrs. Couture

Animal Farm

In the Lake of the Woods


11th Honors: Same as above, plus Death of a Salesman

** For students in 11th grade, if you are in ELA 11 Honors, the guidance department would have contacted you directly to share which assignments you should complete. If you are unsure, you can reach out to Mrs. Perkins. 


12th Grade: Mrs. Miller-Hoke

Fehrenheit 451
