


To help us provide a comprehensive, college preparatory education, and a strong faith foundation, we encourage every community member to support our fundraising efforts throughout the year.  We are grateful for your commitment to Notre Dame through a pledge or gift to the annual appeal.  Your generous donations help ensure our students receive a quality education.  Matching gifts are a great way to increase the impact of your gift, and we can help you determine if you are eligible.

Contact Donna Williams at or at 315-724-5118 ext. 35 for more information.

Your continued generosity allows Notre Dame to expand facilities and programs and ensures that our students benefit from incredible academic, spiritual, and athletic opportunities. Thank you for your support.



The Annual Appeal is Notre Dame's yearly campaign to raise funds supporting the ongoing education of its students. Notre Dame, like all private schools, relies on the generosity of its community to bridge the gap between tuition and the actual cost of a Notre Dame education. The Annual Fund touches all aspects of the school. Your gifts to the Annual Fund, no matter the size, make a difference in the lives of EVERY student at Notre Dame by allowing the ability to: 

  • Expand the rigorous curriculum.
  • Support and improve extra-curricular opportunities and athletics.
  • Offer tuition assistance to keep Notre Dame accessible and tuition affordable.
  • And most recently, to purchase classroom iPads to create hands-on, customizable learning experiences.



Are you considering a legacy gift to Notre Dame? There are many options and many variations of each. Notre Dame supporters may wish to remember Notre Dame in their wills, trusts, life insurance designations, and retirement assets. We recognize and honor all individuals who make this commitment. To make us aware of your planned gift, or for more information, call (315) 724-5118.



Please consider a donation to Notre Dame's Endowment Fund. The endowment ensures that students from all economic backgrounds have the opportunity to benefit from and contribute to the Notre Dame experience. It will also help to provide resources to the growing number of families we serve as we:  

  • Continue to expand and enrich our schools programs 
  • Build on community and college partnerships 
  • Provide long-term financial viability 
  • Expand our global profile 

Each year, Notre Dame is fortunate to attract a large number of applicants who want to fulfill their dreams with us, yet every year, economic realities are making it harder and harder for families to help their sons and daughters reach their highest potential. In ever-increasing numbers, outstanding students - thrilled with Notre Dame and succeeding in their classes - are experiencing financial problems that seem insurmountable. As a close-knit community, we look for ways to help these students, thus the endowed scholarship fund. Our goal is to create a $4 million endowed fund that will allow us to grant $200,000 each year - over and above our yearly scholarship grants - to students who find themselves in financial difficulty. These students and others like them deserve our support! Thank you for your generosity.